Welcome to prayforthem.com. We are a global community of believers who pray for the change desperately needed in our chaotic world. With unprecedented acts of terrorism fueled by radicals, and horrific persecution of Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere, we must act.  

We Jesus followers know that evil powers and authorities are countered with spiritual power, and the Lord Jesus has given us such power as we cry out to Him. As Christians, we have a mandate to pray for those who persecute us and our believing brothers and sisters around the globe. 

 How can we stand up and fight the evil we see spreading? With prayer! "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power....For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil ..." (Ephesians 6:10, 12).

The prompting to gather us for prayer as never before began in August, 2014, when the world first learned of the plight of thousands of Iraqi Christians and Yazidi minority peoples facing slaughter at the hands of ISIS jihadists in Iraq. Stranded in mountain areas fleeing from their burning villages, without food or water or shelter, their stories, and the resulting deaths of so many, have gripped our hearts.

Though we thought this crisis would be over long before now, their suffering at the hands of evil forces continues. Thousands have lost families, homes, their way of life. And their stories are replicated in many places throughout the Muslim world and beyond.

How can we help? The most important thing you and I can do is call out to God to meet the needs of the suffering and to bring revelation of Jesus to their oppressors and the perpetrators of unspeakable evil.

Pray for the terror to end, and pray that the believers will be protected from evil. Pray that the spiritual eyes of thousands of Muslims caught in the conflict will be opened, and that peace will come to the region. Pray that the terrorist acts of radicals will cease.